Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Some of my favorite books and Christian artists...

From time to time I will be giving my list of books and artists that are ministering to me at that particular time. I hope you enjoy them because I really do.

Here is a list of books I have read and am going to read in the future:

"Dealing with the Praise and Rejection of Man" by Bob Sorge
"The Fear of the Lord" by John Bevere
"Drawing Near" by John Bevere
"Driven by Eternity" by John Bevere
"Rescue" (novel based on "Driven by Eternity") by John Bevere.
As You can tell I have really been reading John Bevere's stuff.
Here is a list of some of my favorite Christian artists:

Jason Upton
Shane & Shane
Rick Pino or Rick Pino's myspace
David Crowder Band or David Crowder Band's myspace or Dave's Xanga Site

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